Majoros Sándor, born on July 27, 1956, in Bácskossuthfalva, Ómoravica (Serbia), is a renowned Hungarian writer, recipient of multiple prestigious awards, including the József Attila Prize in 2004, the Artisjus Prize in 2008, and the Sándor Márai Prize in 2011. He has also been honored with the Civil Division of the Hungarian Order of Merit in 2018. Majoros is known for his significant contributions to Hungarian literature, particularly as a novelist and a short story writer. Before establishing his literary career, he worked as an electrical technician in his hometown from 1976 to 1991 and has been living in Budapest since 1991.
His literary work is deeply rooted in the heritage of his homeland, and even though he moved to Budapest in 1991, the majority of his stories are still inspired by his place of origin. He is regarded as continuing the narrative legacy of notable Hungarian writers such as Gion Nándor, Csáth Géza, Kosztolányi, and Papp Dániel with distinctive features for the 20th and 21st centuries.
Additionally, Majoros has a playful and magical outlook on life, which is also evident in his approach to writing. He is also the curator of online literary platform Irodalmi Élet, which reflect his belief that objects have souls, and he passionately speaks of being the owner of a character from the stories of Mikszáth, another revered Hungarian author.
His novel „Meghalni Vukovárnál” (Dying at Vukovar), published in 2003, is a compelling and original work, which, despite being undervalued by critics, with a few exceptions, is considered a significant and impactful book.
Majoros has also written under the pseudonyms Benjamin Babbler and Rahim Bërisha, showcasing his versatility as an author. Moreover, he has been a recipient of the Térey János Scholarship since 2020, which further acknowledges his contribution to the literary field.
His works reflect the challenging historical periods his ancestors lived through, with narratives that span from the revisionist fervor of the Horthy era in the 1930s, through the devastation of the Second World War and the tumult of the 1960s. Majoros Sándor’s contribution to Hungarian literature is significant, with a unique voice that captures the essence of his generation’s experience and the historical context of his region.
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